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Social Media:


My name is Jackson Hamick and I'm a man in his late thirties. I have decided to start my community online as I enjoyed reading and sharing stories about bullying. Bullying is a major issue and there are many people who doesn't really understand how a victim of bullying can affect that person's mentality, physical well-being, and their life in general. The more we talk about it, the more the word will spread, and the quicker a solution will be made. I am only the creator and starter of the #FightBullying community, but there are seven of us working behind the website and this very Wattpad page. You are free at anytime to message us and share your thoughts, opinions, and stories. We are not here to judge. We are here to help and comfort you. In a world as we have today, we are lacking the mortality the human race should have. Unfortunately, we have fallen out of love and ran towards hate instead.

> Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online. <

*Physical – pushing, poking, kicking, hitting, biting, pinching etc.

*Verbal - name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors, threats, teasing, belittling.

*Emotional – isolating others, tormenting, hiding books, threatening gestures, ridicule, humiliation, intimidating, excluding, manipulation and coercion.

*Sexual – unwanted physical contact, inappropriate touching, abusive comments, homophobic abuse, exposure to inappropriate films etc.

*Online /cyber – posting on social media, sharing photos, sending nasty text messages, social exclusionIndirect - Can include the exploitation of individuals.

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